Sunday, September 13, 2009


My consular once told me that all my past relationships were just crumbs to the real thing. Something just to feed off of, until I or them find someone else. There I was looking for my next crumb, when there he was. The whole cake! It was just too good to be true. He treated me like a princess, worshiped me, did whatever I told him. He even changed his ways for me.

The first five months were easy. Loving him, caring. All that. Then all of a sudden, I'm back finding crumbs again!! CRUMBS! When I had the cake in front of me! Three guys, all crumbs. I've been reassuring myself that it's just this "list" of people I want to complete, but why? I really have no idea why I would go back to losers. Maybe I thought I could find someone better. More attractive. More bad boy. Maybe "nerd" isn't my type at all.

My future pictures me with him. Holding his child. Wearing his ring. He's perfect.

Maybe it's too soon to settle down and fully commit myself.