Thursday, April 11, 2013

Letter to the Globe

Glances on blank pages is possibly the worst thing in the world. It's like when someone sends you a "k" in a SMS. I could think of a more brutal annoyance; spam. Not the food, mind you. The long "sad", "funny", "cute" emails that junk up my inbox. 673 emails should never arrive on the same day. It's everyday things that dig tension into our weak bodies. Pain, everybody is talking about pain. Grumble this, groan at that. Fake smiles on innocent people. The grit and grime that's beneath everyone's mind. Problems causing problems causing war. How is this justice? People don't even want to help other people anymore. It's everyone to themselves. Their motives, their thoughts, their emotions; why is everyone out to be better than someone else? 


I'm not referring to the sappy sob stories. I'm talking about getting to know each other by joining into each others' hobbies. Speak your thoughts, and ask for stories. Have you ever...? Put the live in life, and not yours, the people that surround you. Family and Friends. Everyone. 
Maybe then, we can actually get some peace. 

Wishing all the best,
Jennifer Lynn