Wednesday, June 29, 2011


She's completely what I didn't want. A butchy sporty girly
Manly girl. I knew it was a bad idea from the beginning when I liked her girlfriend first. Jessica made her seem like the clingy type. I've heard so much bad things about Emily.
The first time I met Emily, radiance and glow surrounded her. She dressed in tight men jeans and a regular t shirt.
She was simply adorale with the moonlight shining down on her little round cheeks.
The next few dates i was overwhelmed with butterflies. It's been a couple years since
I've tried this whole lesbian relationship. I hinted so many times to get closer to her. And eventually steal that first kiss.
Maybe she's my angel that I've needed err since those boys ruined my love
Life. She actually wants to wait before we get into the dirty things. I respect her dicision but my body
Disagrees and needs to be caressed. Even when she just places her hand on my thigh I melted. I'm so deprived. I can't hold it
Any longer.
Waiting does have its perks. Like a simple kiss left me smiling for hours. And left me a
Haze of happiness. And the anticipation is building up to see her again.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Have you ever fell to the bottom of the well? Where the whole world never made any sense and your eyes were never so useless in your life. Words didn't mean a thing. Stuck in wonderland. Head spins begin and you lose your gut in your back seat. Plans that you had fell out the window. Disappointed friends. Dizzy feeling arrives. Lights are so blinding. 'oh god, are you okay?' is all you can hear. My voice appears to dissapear. My muscles are jello. You've really out done yourself this time, Jennifer. You spent all that time with your makeup and your hair just to be slouched in the backseat feeling like the worse sack a shit. Time slowed, which was always expected. But this was not expected.
Rock bottom.