Wednesday, December 2, 2015

adluvne / Case may be out

To whom it may concern:

It may seem unfamiliar to pick up the nick of jotting down my thoughts on keyboard how I so effortlessly did when I was younger. It seems that I have a little time to do so. At this moment in time, I've composed the idea that I was on the edge of a mental break down. The reason I don't know exactly. All this angst is inside me. My job is putting too many hours on my plate that I did not ask for and expecting way too highly of me when I'm balancing all of the in and outs of the store to keeping up in all three of my classes before the week of Finals come and the grades come in! Keeping up with my toddler at he goes through the ebbs and flows of the terrible twos. The stress of all this money I've worked so hard for just seems to disappear right before my eyes. Not of reckless spending, but to dolely it out to scumbag so-called-friends. Accepting to start a business. not knowing what it had entailed. Sure, Make-up is always fun! Right? I've made a lot of mistakes in the last couple of months. Learning is such a curve ball. I always pray and praise Lord, and be grateful of what I do have in the presence that surrounds me. A mostly warm house, great food if I wanna spend the time and energy, the best bed sleep could buy, and a kid that completes me in a way that no one could ever describe.

So I'm flashing forwarding to the problems I'm having with authority. They seem to talking behind my back and acting like everything is normal in front of my face. Is this a bad behavior on their behalf or mine? What did I do so terrible that makes them whisper behind the corner? Being late? Not showing up for work, or calling in? When I told them I no longer had a babysitter, go to school(12 credits), and keep my relationships healthy? Maybe it's just me. Something didn't add up. Yes, I should have called. Yes, I should put in my two weeks and find a job elsewhere. Like kohls for example. They might let me back on the team. There's nothing I've got to lose. I need to find my own place and start paying my own bills and getting organized to a new level. That's what 25 is all about. Finding a semi-great career, with a mostly-great house, and most dependable car, so that I can decorate my own things. Do my own hobbies, on my own time, Do my own thing. So my plan was all discussed with my mother. I just have to get those goals moving one step at a time. Continue on this struggle and I will get there. Breathing is the important aspect of this life.

Two Thousand Sixteen is just around the corner.
What can I achieve in the next year to become a better me?  
What new skill can I work on?
I know which bad habit I'll be breaking on. You don't have to tell me twice. And, no, it's not chocolate.

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